Thursday, January 24, 2013

HELP!! We have some iPad obsessions

I know I have been absent from the blogging for quite some time but I've still been reading all of your great blogs!! I promise at some point soon I will post some of the fun things we've been doing but for now I just have a question: 

Many of my students are OBSESSED with the iPAD.  I know they are awesome, I'm obsessed too:)  However, it's beginning to be less of a motivator and more of a meltdown issue if they can't have them when they ask for them.  I try to do everything the way I've been 'taught.'  The iPad is used both as an educational tool and as a free choice option during free choice times in our classroom.  They also each have iPad on their schedule once throughout their day in case they are not able to get one during free choice time for whatever reason.  But it's still causing problems!  

What would you do??

I'm thinking of having an iPad free week and then gradually reintroducing them back into our room again.  I'm worried though that this will just cause a week of meltdowns and then once they are able to use them again we won't have made any progress.  



  1. Would you be able to schedule the iPad for their free time choice? I'm not sure if this would work for your students, but in my room of ED students, they each have a day that they can choose the iPad during their break time. If they haven't been safe and respectful or they are absent the day they are scheduled, they lose their turn. I don't reschedule or put another student in their place for the iPad.


    Teaching Special Kids

  2. I think having it in their schedule is a perfect idea. I would also not let them have it at another time and they only get it when they are scheduled to have it. Maybe have a special place for the iPad and it doesn't leave that area and maybe "out of sight, out of mind" theory would work. :) My kids love the iPad, too. They are always wanting to use it, but unlike your kiddos mine are not all autistic and don't meltdown when it is not in their possession. I agree that the possible iPad free week may result in a week of meltdowns! Yuck! I would stick to my guns in this case and don't let up on the structure/schedule.
    Mrs. H's Resource Room

    1. Thanks, Friday I tried only allowing them to have the iPad when working with myself or one of my aides as well as the one 10 minute period it is scheduled in their day. It went okay. Lots of kiddos asking over and over again but with time I hope they'll adjust to the new routine.

  3. Hey, I've have nominated you for the Liebster Award! If you haven't already gotten / done this, check out my blog for all the details!

    1. Thanks Erin, I'm honored:) Especially since I've been pretty bad about posting recently. Maybe this will be a jump start to posting in 2013!

  4. HI! I am your newest follower! I love seeing other blogs that help students with special needs and autism! I do to! our job sounds very similar! :)

    -Holly Phinney

  5. I'm your newest follower and love your latest post. I will be checking back to read all of the suggestions. My newest student is severely autistic and we don't know what to do other than give into his melt downs or nobody else can do their work with his screaming. So he does his work really fast and then we let him on computer or IPAD. One of my other students asked Friday, "I don't get why he gets to use the computer 24/7?" I didn't know what to say (so the rest of you can work and he doesn't bite and scratch us?) I have never had an autistic student before so I will be reading your blog faithfully. Heather
